Mrs. Tapsoba
Série Fiction -
10 x 26' -
En développement
Created by Luis Marquès
Madame Tapsoba is an African "Mary Poppins" with magical powers, which enable her to save children living amidst desperate circumstances.
Every episode highlights a child in danger in contemporary Africa. Over and over again, Madame Tapsoba and her young friend Dao do everything in their power to save the main character and they experience many unexpected and magical adventures.

Creator Luis Marquès
Producer Aurélien Bodinaux
Production Neon Rouge
In Collaboration with
TV5 Monde & Afrique
Tact Production (Fr)
Avalone Production (Fr)
Distributed by DIFFA (Lagardère)
Technical Details:
Genre Kids Series
Language French
Country Burkina Faso & Belgium