Written and directed by Hicham Elladdaqi
The daily life of the inhabitants of a working-class district in Marrakech, or the system’s leftovers’ never-ending ballet. Every day, dozens of men and women gather at the foot of the medina’s ramparts to ask for a job. They are the workers, the indispensable kingpin to the economic rise of a town carried by an effective tourist industry.

Directed by Hicham Elladdaqi
Cinematography Amine Berrada
Sound Abdellatif Hamma
Editing Antoine Donnet
Produced by
Le Moindre Geste (Morocco)
Tact Production (France)
Neon Rouge
Coproduced by
Cinaps TV
With the support of
Procirep Angoa
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
Genre Documentary
Language Arabic (French subtitles)
Shot on HD
Format Blu Ray / 1.85 / 5.1 / Color
- Agadir International Documentary Festival (Morocco, le 06/05/2015)
- Etats Généraux du Film Documentaire (Lussas - France, le 21/08/2015)
- Rencontres cinématographiques de Béjaïa (Béjaïa - Algérie, le 07/09/2015)
- Festival du Film Documentaire de Saint-Louis (Senegal, le 26/11/2015)
- Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage (Tunisia, le 25/11/2015)
- Festival du film documentaire Traces de Vies (Clermont-Ferrand - France, 11/2015)
- Maghreb des films (Paris - France, le 11/12/2015)
- Rencontres AFRIQUE EN DOCS (Lille - France, le 29/01/2016)
- Filmer le travail (Poitiers - France, le 05/02/2016) : EN COMPETITION
- Festival de l'IRTS (Lorraine - France, le 04/02/2016) : EN COMPETITION
- Luxor African Film Festival (Louxor - Égypte, Mars 2016)
- Festival du Cinéma Africain (Tarifa - Espagne & Tanger - Maroc, Mai 2016) - PRIX DU MEILLEUR DOCUMENTAIRE
- La Première fois (Marseille - France, Février 2017)
- ALFILM (Arab Film Festival) (Berlin - Allemagne, Avril 2017)
- Middle East Now Festival (Florence - Italie, Avril 2017)