Stories Keep Me Awake at Night

Stories Keep Me Awake at Night (2020)
Court Fiction - 30'30"' - En distribution

Oscar, eight, likes to wear dresses.

"Stories Keep Me Awake at Night" portrays a day in his childhood. Under the troubled and undecided gaze of his family, an obstinate boy affirms his uniqueness.


Auteur-Réalisateur :​ Jérémy van der Haegen​

Production : Neon Rouge

Coproduction: Tact, After Hours ASBL

Editor : Thomas Vandecasteele

Technical Details: 

Format : 16mm

ISAN : 0000-0005-AFBE-0000-V-0000-0000-I


Photos from the film:

(PÖFF) Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (Tallinn, Estonia - 11/2020)
Winner: Rebels With a Cause Short Competition

Côté Court (Pantin, France - 06/2021)

Film and Art Festival Two Riversides (Kazimierz Dolny, Poland - 08/2021)
International competition

IndieLisboa (Lisboa, Portugal - 08/2021)
International competition

(BSFF) Brussels Short Film Festival (Brussels, Belgium - 08/2021)
Mention Spéciale du Jury

Pristina International Film Festival (Prishtina, Kosovo - 08/2021)

Leiden Short (Leiden, Netherlands - 09/2021)
Official Selection

Drama International Short Film Festival (Athens, Greece - 09/2021)
Best Director