On Zenith's Edge

On Zenith's Edge (2021)
Long Documentaire - 56'' - En distribution

Yveline Nathalie Pontalier

I come from a people - the Fangs - where the dead never leave the living. But since we became Christians we can't hear them anymore. Lost between what I know and what I see, between the here below and the beyond, I lead an initiatory quest that allows me to reveal our story, the one that has not been transmitted.


Auteure-réalisatrice : Yveline Nathalie Pontalier
Production belge : Aurélien BODINAUX – Neon Rouge
Coproduction française : Mathilde RACZYMOW – Les Films du Bilboquet
Coproduction gabonais : Pierrre-Adrien CECCALDI – Princesse M Productions

Photos from the film: